Aqua Wave
Aqua Wave
- 🌸 Aesthetic
- 🌫️ Wavy
- 🧊 Colors
The lights give a wavy effect, making it look like water. This adds a calming, flowing motion to your place.
You have 16 or 3 colors to choose from, which lets you set the right vibe for any moment. You can pick the perfect light whether you're throwing a party or chilling at home.
This thing looks cool and has a nice design. It's great to look at after a long day.
Remote Control
You can change the lights with a remote, so you don't have to get up to make them brighter or dimmer.
Lightweight and Portable
It's made from light stuff, so you can easily move it around. If you like rearranging your home, this is perfect for you.
Collapsible content
This product features 3 or 16 color options with a remote control. The 3-color option does not include a remote control and the 16-color option does.
The 16-color option provides a broader range of color choices, while the 3-color option is more straightforward and does not require a remote control.